The Apple Watch has been the top dog for quite some time now in the wearables department. However, to stay on top, you have to keep getting better and that’s exactly what Apple is planning to do with their 5th generation Apple Watch. It will not look much different than its predecessor externally. The internal components are the main focus of Apple in this upcoming iteration of the device. One of the major potential improvements is the addition of motion gestures to help make user interaction a little more seamless. These gestures could possibly include flicking your wrist to scroll through text messages and even clenching your fist to answer incoming calls. Another feature that could be included is a built-in sleep monitoring feature, which is one of the areas that Apple has been lacking in compared to its competitor’s wearable devices.
If you have any questions regarding your device, device repair, or about any information covered in this article feel free to reach out to us! You can reach us at (919) 263-2699 or schedule an appointment! If you have friends that need a repair, you can sign up for our referral program. You make $5 for every person you send to TCR and they save $5 on their repair as well!